Florence Ada Woodhurst

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Brief biography

Florence Ada Woodhurst was born on April 6th 1886 to parents Walter Charles Woodhurst and his wife Julia Caroline (née) Perry [Birth Index: Hackney 1b 560, 1886 (June)].

The 1891 Census finds her living at age "4" with her parents and siblings at 1, Annie's Cottages, Crescent Road in Leyton.

The 1901 Census finds her living with her parents at 34A, Ringwood in Walthamstow, misspelling their surname as "Willis".

She married Arthur Robert Cecil Francis Wright at Leyton parish church on August 28th 1909 [Marriage Index: W. Ham 4a 168, 1909 (Sept)]. He was born in 1887 [Birth Index: W. Ham 4a 202, 1887 (June)]. Most sources present only his first two forenames.

The 1911 Census finds them living with their first child at 96, Farmer Road in Leyton. Arthur Robert was occupied as a sawdust contractor, as his father had been at the time of the 1901 Census.

In May 1917 Arthur Robert enrolled with the Royal Army Ordnance Corps and gave his address as 38, King Edward Road in Leyton; he was still occupied as a sawdust contractor.

The National Register for England and Wales 1939 finds them living at 1, Brewster Road in Leyton. Arthur Robert was now the managing director for a demolition contractor; his date of birth is given as March 27th 1887. Also present was their son Arthur and their now married daughter Florence.

Arthur Robert died aged "73" on January 6th 1961 [Death Index: Essex S.W. 5a 266, 1961 (March)]. Probate was granted on April 21st, his effects valued at £16,250. He had been living at 9, Denehurst Gardens in Woodford Green, Essex.

Florence Ada died on August 18th 1975 [Death Index: Redbridge 14 1531, 1975 (Sept)]. Probate was granted on February 20th 1976 and her effects valued at £28,442. She had been living at 138, Whitehall Road in Waltham Forest.

Her children by Arthur Robert Cecil Francis Wright

  1. Florence Julia Sarah Wright - born August 29th 1910 [Birth Index: W. Ham 4a 391, 1910 (Sept)]
  2. Arthur Sydney Albert Wright - born September 10th 1914 [Birth Index: W. Ham 4a 670, 1914 (Dec)]

Florence Julia Sarah married Harry S. Cash in 1939 [Marriage Index: Essex S.W. 4a 690, 1939 (June)].

Arthur Sydney Albert died on June 23rd 1990. Probate was granted on September 3rd, his effects valued at £334,606. He had been living at "The Thatched Cottage" in Hammonds Road, Hatfield Broad Oak, Essex.