William Jack Woodhurst

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Brief biography

William Jack Woodhurst was born in 1932 to parents William (10) Woodhurst and his wife Jessica Elizabeth (nee) Manktelow. The GRO reference is [Birth Index: Battersea 1d 517, 1932 (Dec)].

William Jack married Marion/Marian Jean Taylor in 1954 [Marriage Index: Birmingham 9c 675, 1954 (Q2)]. Her origins remain uncertain; several public trees on Ancestry present purported details of her parents but are not well-evidenced. The National Register for England and Wales 1939 finds her living with her parents Ernest Taylor (a carpet weaver) and Alice at No. 1 Bungalow in Acacia Avenue, Bewdley, Worcestershire and her birthdate given as October 25th 1935; her entry records that she married into the Woodhurst surname. It is not clear that her parents were married to each other.

William Jack and Marion Jean lived at 34, Merryhill Hall Road in Birmingham [relative's report].

William Jack died aged "74" on November 18th 2006 [Death Index: Birmingham K27B 081/1K Entry No. 158, 2006 (Nov) - DoB 04SE1932].

Marion Jean died aged "72" on November 6th 2007 [GRO reference unascertained].

His children by Marion Jean Taylor

  1. Rosemarie Ann Woodhurst - [Birth Index: Birmingham 9c 381, 1955 (Sept)]
  2. Michelle Elizabeth Woodhurst - [Birth Index: Birmingham 9c 1217, 1964 (June)]
  3. Andrew William Woodhurst - [Birth Index: Birmingham 9c 521, 1966 (March)]

Rosemarie Ann married Stephen B. Cowley in 1976 [Marriage Index Birmingham 32 0250, 1976 (Sept)] by whom she produced at least two daughters Emma Jean (in 1978) and Laura Ann (in 1980).

Michelle Elizabeth married Eamon A. Mahon in 1985 [Marriage Index: Birmingham 32 595, 1985 (Sept)].

Andrew William married Linda Glover in 1991 [Marriage Index: Birmingham 32 255, 1991 (Feb)].